Adjusting the Camera with the Mouse
When manipulating objects in model space, half the battle is just finding a good view to work with. Using the mouse, there are several ways to adjust the view:

Look by right-clicking on your mouse to look around.
Truck by holding the Control key + right-clicking.
Orbit by holding the Alt key + right-clicking.
Zoom by using the middle mouse scroll wheel.
Alternatively, we can also use the keyboard to zoom in and out from an object by pressing the ’+’ and ’-’ keys.
Camera tracking options
Near / far clip options, refer to the near and far plane of the viewing field, the region of space in the modeled world that is visible on screen. Anything closer to the eye than the near clipping distance isn’t displayed (it’s too close), and anything further away from the eye than the far clipping distance isn’t displayed either (it’s too far away).
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